Friday, April 29, 2005
Tales from the Maya
This is the account of how all was in suspense, all calm, in silence; all motionless, still, and the expanse of the sky was empty.
Popol Vuh (Book of the Community) - a Mayan creationist text, was found and translated in 1702 by a Spanish priest, Francisco Ximénez, in Chichicastenango, Guatemala.
It is a story of sacrifice, deceit and powerful magic (not forgetting many ants, a louse, Xan the mosquito, and many other creatures), telling the tale of Hunahpú and Xbalanqué as they confront many of the evils of the world, including Vucub-Caquix and his sons, and the Lords of Xibalba.
Popol Vuh is a fascinating read and comes highly recommended.