Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Two dreams

I rarely have intense dreams that I can remember, but since I moved house, two weeks ago, I've had two.

The second dream, last night, was about me as a fugitive, hunted by the cops all through Johannesburg. I'm not sure what I did, but it wasn't too serious, seeing as there weren't a lot of people after me and I managed to escape several times using different strategies each time. I was hiding in friends' houses, in their gardens, I ran around, ducked and weaved, changed clothes, wore disguises, kept to the shadows, deceived the authorities, tricked them into allowing me access to resources that would help me escape again and again.

The first dream was more intense. There was a greater feeling of futility. It was about the move itself. Similar to what actually happened, just exaggerated. I had to move all my boxes and stuff from one house to another, just down the road. But the more stuff I moved the more there was to move. Rooms appeared out of nowhere, filled with other items to move. It was getting more and more impossible. So I enlisted the help of almost every person I could think of. Just so I could make some progress. Offering them bribes, but all for naught. The more people came to help, the less they helped, and stuff just piled up in the evergrowing house.

I even tried waking up, having a smoke, but I just fell back into the dream.

Times will change. The move is almost finished. I must just figure out why the authorities are after me!

Being chased and hounded by the dogs of Hell (Hasm) you mean!

They are after you and it wasn't a dream, every night they get closer and soon they will have you.

The howling will only cease once you have paid the proper tribute and made a human sacrifice.
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