Tuesday, July 26, 2005


The Skull of Doom

In reading Mysterious World, which I acquired yesterday, I came across the story of the Skull of Doom, an eerie-looking, life-sized, crystal replica of a human skull. It was found in Central America by Anna Mitchell-Hedges on her 17th birthday.

The skull is of unknown origin (crystal can't be carbon-dated), but was probably used by Mayan or Incan priests in some ceremonies. It weighs five kilograms and was crafted from a single piece of crystal.

Reading about it reminded me of when I was much younger and had a little glow-in-the-dark plastic skull, which I frequently used to try to give my sister a fright, in the typical spirit of an older brother. I would hold the skull to a light, making it glow, and sneak into her room making the skull appear to be floating towards her, frequently accompanied by hooo-hooooo! sounds.

I think the glow-in-the-dark skull bears a startling resemblance to the mysterious crystal skull and might even have been inspired by it. Then again, perhaps I was one of those priests, in a life a long time ago, using it to inspire awe and fear into unbelievers.

Image reproduced without permission from The Society of Crystal Skulls, International.

I'll bet you still have a strangely mysterious world, HH!
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