Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Movie games

Sometimes, I feel like I'm from the future, living in the present as a ghost, unable to affect anything, with all my knowledge of the future, without being able to act upon it. Expecting things to be the status quo when in reality they are a couple of years from being actualised.

In this case, why are there no dvds with both movies and games on? Surely there should be many? Make the movie, make a game of the movie, bring it out on dvd, there you go! A couple of weeks ago, I got my first dvd player (yeah, yeah, I know), which happens to be a PS2. I got it so I could both play games and rent dvds.

Two night ago I rented and watched Elektra. Instead of, or alongside, the deleted scenes and other special futures, they could have had a preview of the game or a small (or complete) version of it.

Surely this would benefit the creators of the dvd. They would get playtime, could possibly have higher rental price and would do a lot to promote the movie (and the game). It could've done wonders for the movie too if they had an Elektra game.

So, I'll just wait for Sony to wake up and start targetting people like me with their movie / game crossovers.


1) Space
2) Loss of revenue

Though the demo game thing is pretty clever
Demo. That's the word I didn't know I was looking for!


1) Cut out special features. Improve compression.
2) Increase marketing. Have movie budgets cater for game creation. Games should generate revenue and interest.
But what about competing interests? In the case of Sony movies, it's fine, but what about media companies that don't have a games platform to promote.

One could easily imagine some kind of cooperation, though. But then, what medium do you support?

However, the biggest concern, is that most people buying movies wouldn't want games - at least at the moment.

Barring you.
its mainly because the 'people' who own the movie and or distribution rights sell the games rights to games publishers. the movie people don't want to invest money in games and vica versa, although there must be companies doing both...
if you look at the quality of most game from movie spin offs, there's no way you'd want to use a game demo to promote your movie. similarly for movies based on games / comics
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